Reiki with a difference
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and healing that works by channeling “life force energy” through the hands. When this energy flows freely, we feel healthy and balanced, but when it’s low, we’re more prone to illness and stress. As a Reiki Master, I combine Reiki with other healing modalities tailored to your needs. In addition to Reiki, I can clear trauma stored in the body, release ancestral or past-life wounds, and address money or emotional blocks. Depending on guidance, I may use sound healing tools like Shamanic drums, chimes, and rain sticks, or incorporate crystals, Light Language, and Light Codes to activate deep healing. Each session is unique and guided by intuition, ensuring you receive exactly what you need—whether it’s clearing mind chatter, healing trauma, or receiving messages from the Divine or loved ones.
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Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}
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Your appointment booking summary
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Session is 90minutes
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